Cómo adquirir competencias específicas y transversales a partir de los mass media: una aplicación original de app en la UdG
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This article presents a project that includes APP mutidisciplinardisciplines are as diverse as IT, Engineering, Physics and the public and allows to acquire specific skills of each subject, and develop common generic skills such as teamwork, creative design proposals or communicate orally and in writing. The project has the originality of mixing in the same segments workvarious university students who otherwise would work hardconnected, thereby fostering creativity in a scientific environment. The project's goal is to transform a television program Arguiñano Karlos on a radio program. To do this students must identify, analyze and transform the various scientific, technical and communication are seen on the television program so that it canturn into radio. The choice of this axis of APP is the fruit of long reflection to find a real project that could be put into practice, bringing together aspects of the six subin different fields of knowledge involved in this network of educational innovation. The implementation of the APP, increasingly used in college, is aprocess in which there is a problem, identify learning needs, we seek the information needed to solve it and finally resolved