Implantación de un servidor SOS para la publicación de datos de sensores medioambientales en la IDE OTALEX-C
OTALEX SDI project is funded by the INTERREG III European programe and its main objective is to study and expose the reality of the land
composed by Alentejo region in Portugal and Extremadura in Spain. Both regions, administrative are separated by country frontiers but share physical, environmental, social and economic characteristics. Current project phase is called OTALEX C and its focused on giving to OTALEX SDI the ability to show the results of environmental studies. It's necessary to catalogue, standardize, geoprocess and publish data from environmental sensors, as well as publishing thematic contour and continuous maps derived from the interpolation of these sensors data. This phase will be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2013. The first part of the project was the development of processes to load an heterogeneous group of data from different types of sensors into a central repository using Open Source and self developed ETL(Extract Transform and Load) tools. A Sensor Observation Service server was deployed (52 north SOS) and integrated into the OTALEX infrastructure. Thus,all the datasets from sensors will be loaded into the repository using the SOS-T protocol. At this time, the technical team is working on the development of a SOS client to let users query and visualize external SOS servers besides the OTALEX repository of environmental data. On the other hand, besides the punctual SOS data, the geoportal will share thematic maps (coropleth and contours) for all observed properties gathered and at any time (aggregated per day). The maps are published using WMS standard and accessed through the OTALEX geoportal as new layers per observed property. This talk will present an updated status of all the work done, results and issues
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