Evaluación de los efectos no intencionados de los transgenes en plantas modificadas genéticamente (MG) resistentes a plagas y diseñadas como biofactorías de péptidos antimicrobianos

Montero Mirabet, Maria
Text Complet
Genetically modified crops are submitted to strict regulation to ensure the safety of consumers and the environment. To complement the comparison between GM plants and their counterparts, in the present Thesis, we evaluated the possible unexpected effects of the transgene on the host plant, by means of transcriptomic technologies. More exactly, we studied three pathogen-resistant GM rice lines: S-afp, expressing constitutively the antifungal protein AFP; and S-bp217 and S-bp213, expressing undecapeptide BP100 derivatives, which were developed in the UdG in the context of this Thesis. Although the high phytotoxicity of the BP100 derivatives on the host plant the transcriptional changes observed in S-afp, S-bp217 and S-bp213 compared to the conventional line Senia were similar that those observed in other GM crops, of other species and with different transgenes, and only the half of them was attributed to the insertion and/or expression of the transgene. ​
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