Los Fundamentos jurídico-laborales de la obligación general de seguridad empresarial
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The aim of this doctoral thesis is to consolidate the preventive perspective as one of priority action, both by public authorities and private companies, in order to protect the health and safety of employees. To this end, the obligations incumbent on employers to provide a safe job for employees were studied. These obligations appear in Act 31/95 (November 8th) on Prevention of Risks at Work. A further aim is to assist legal agents in handling the labour regulations on health and safety at work, by the study of the safety regulations that have amplified the Act. Since these regulations originate in the legislation emanating from the International Labour Organization and the European Union, a detailed study was also made of the agreements taken at the ILO to protect the health and safety of employees, and of the directives issued within the European Community to promote improvements in work conditions
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