Fluctuacions a la maresma dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà i estructura de la comunitat biològica
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In this study the principal disturbance factors of the Empordà saltmarsh and their influence on water composition, and on plankton community structure and composition are analyzed. The importance of the turnover rate is emphasized, which is function of the disturbance factors, very different in origin, intensity and frequency. The influence of this disturbance factors on species composition, specially on the structuration of zooplankton community, has been analyzed. Based on the results of the multivariate analysis, a new measure is proposed, for evaluate the intensity of a determinate disturbance, in base of its effect on the community structure, independently of the nature of this disturbance. So we can determinate the negative effects from the flow regulation on the zooplankton community structure, that contrasts with the relative low effects of the insecticide applications, when are applicated at the usual dose and frequency of treatment
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