Applications of computed tomography in dry-cured meat products
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Computed Tomography and Microcomputed Tomography are X-ray based technologies. They were tested in this thesis as potential tools for the optimization of the processing of dry-cured meat products. On one hand, several prediction models and Computed Tomography analytical tools were developed for the non-destructive analysis of water activity, salt content and water content distribution within dry-cured hams during processing and were successfully applied to three case studies. On the other hand, Microcomputed Tomography were used to characterize, evaluate and correlate the changes in the microstructure with the texture of non-acid pork lean fermented sausages. Some Microcomputed Tomography parameters could be correlated with the instrumental texture, although the Microcomputed Tomography was not accurate enough to distinguish between lean and fat when these constituents were emulsified. In conclusion, Computed Tomography and Microcomputed Tomography can be considered as suitable technologies for the non-destructive characterization and for the optimization of dry-cured meat processing.
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