"Per Déu i per la Ciència". L'Església i la ciència a la Catalunya de la Restauració (1874-1923)
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The author explores into the relationship between science and Church during a period of history in Catalonia in which the Church carried out a series of top level scientific measures, such as the school of geology of the Barcelona Seminar and the provincial geological map. At a time when science is used as a weapon to discredit the Catholic doctrine of religious belief in general, we've analyzed the response of Church through studying priest education and religious schools, its vision of science, speeches of scientific works carried out by priests, to conclude that the desire of conciliation with science and necessity of defending faith encouraged the updating of the ecclesiastical institution in some scientific disciplines. Later, the social prestige and authority given by science also helps to explain certain scientific “vocations", in particular, the strategy of Jesuits that gave as a result the scientific complex of Roquetes (Tortosa).
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