Discapacitat, vulnerabilitat i dependència: la corporeïtzació de la pedagogia

Pié Balaguer, Asun
The article presents some of the conclusions found in the doctoral thesis titled De la reinvenció de la discapacitat o de l’articulació de nous tipus de trànsit social: La pedagogia i les seves formes sensibles (2010). This research is focused on understanding the attribution processes of the meanings of disability in order to reconstruct it and strengthen the foundations of a hermeneutic pedagogy of disability. It employs a qualitative and specifically hermeneutic research design that allows a particular discursive construction of reality. It is therefore based on a humanist assumption that, unlike positivism, focuses on the study of the human, the internal and the subjective, and whose main task includes interpreting, understanding, describing and / or observing ​
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