L'avaluació de l'activitat reflexiva a partir del portafoli de l'estudiant
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Reflective competence is considered one of the key competencies of students‟
education in all teaching levels and in the daily practice of professionals. A lack of conceptual
clarity can lead to critical difficulties for teachers when designing activities that promote
reflective skills and also to confusion on the part of the students who have to put them into
practice. A short introduction to the scientific study of reflective activity which tries to set the
stage of the investigation as well as an innovative experience within the framework of the first
year of the Degree in Psychology Studies are presented here. This study presents the work on
the reflective skills through a reflective portfolio. Five hierarchical levels of reflection are
specified as a guide for the making of the portfolio for the students, and as a support for the
mentoring and assessment tasks of teachers. As a conclusion, a three-step model for the
training of „reflective beginners‟ is outlined