L'exercici de la docència de la psicologia i el Burnout
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Nowadays, burnout is considered an increasing psycho-social risk in occidental
countries and especially among teachers. The European Higher Education Area goals require
new roles from university teachers additional to management, research and knowledge
transference. This research analyzes the level of burnout on a sample conformed by 42
teachers (average of age: 37.21 years old; S.D.: 8.98; 70.8% women) of the Department of Psychology of the University of Girona. The burnout has been evaluated by the Maslach
Burnout Inventory (MBI). Also, socio-demographic variables, features of the work place and the
free time, the locus of control and the perception of burnout have been gathered by means of an
ad hoc questionnaire. Results indicate medium levels on the subscales of emotional exhaustion
and depersonalization, and a high level of personal accomplishment. About 20.5% of the
participants perceived themselves as burnt by work