Utilització de programari lliure accés per a l'ensenyament d'estadística i psicometria
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Teaching statistics often implies two main aspects: the explanation of the logic and
mathematic bases of statistical procedures and the utilisation of specific software. However,
statistical education in Argentina concerns only the first aspect previously mentioned. This
situation might be a consequence of the technological and economic limitations what in turn
make the advantages of the use of statistical software unnoticed by students in our country.
One way to deal with these restrictions in the education is using free software. Nowadays, a
variety of free software exist which posibilitate to save time in quantitative data analysis and
increasing its precision, to edit information, make graphics, obtain data output for elaborating
reports, etcetera. The aim of the present article is to communicate a didactic experience that
used free software for teaching the comprehension and the utilisation of some statistical and
psychometric procedures