Interaccions moleculars: correcció de l'error de superposició de base i propietat de les funcions flotants
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A primary interest of this thesis is to obtain a powerful tool for determining structural properties, electrical and reactivity of molecules. A second interest is the study of fundamental error based on complex overlay of bridge hydrogen. One way to correct this error, using Counterpoise correction proposed by Boys and Bernardi. Usually the Counterpoise correction is applied promptly on the geometries previously optimized. Our goal was to find areas of potential which had all the points fixed with CP. These surfaces have a minimum corresponding to a surface other than corrected, ie, the geometric parameters will be different. The curvature of this minimum will also be different, therefore the vibrational frequency will also change when they are corrected with BSSE. Once constructed these surfaces have been studied various complex. It has also been investigated as the method for calculating the error influenced on the basis superposition.
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