Gestión ambiental de residuos peligrosos generados en centros de salud (públicos y privados) del cantón Valencia, Provincia de Los Ríos, Ecuador

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The management of hazardous hospital waste represents an environmental and health challenge in the Valencia canton (Ecuador). This research aimed to evaluate the environmental management of hazardous waste generated in health centers (public and private) in the canton. A methodology based on the georeferencing of health centers using a navigator (GPS) and a geomatic program (ArcGIS), the characterization of hazardous waste through daily records, interviews with health personnel and regulatory compliance audits was used. The results showed deficiencies in waste segregation, inadequate temporary storage and a lack of staff training in biosafety. The average generation of hazardous waste was 305.65 kg/month in the public sector and 219.21 kg/month in the private sector, with infectious waste being the most prevalent (64.81% in public hospitals and 69.45% in private hospitals). Non-compliance with environmental regulations in the storage and transportation of waste was identified, which increases the risk of contamination and exposure to pathogens. The proposed management plan includes strategies for proper waste segregation, optimization of collection routes, implementation of treatment technologies such as autoclaves, and ongoing staff education. It is recommended that local regulations be strengthened and more rigorous controls be established to ensure efficient management of hazardous hospital waste in the region ​
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