Sin garantías no hay derechos. Sin derechos no hay Constitución: apuntes sobre la protección jurisdiccional de los derechos en Ecuador

This paper focuses its analysis on the rights’ judicial guarantees set by the current Constitution of Ecuador, according to the development made by the Ley Orgánica de Garantías Jurisdiccionales y Control Constitucional (September 21th, 2009). To reach this goal, a brief introduction discusses the constitutional framework in which such guarantees are seat, and developed the definition settled in the first constitutional article under which the State is a Constitutional State of rights (Estado constitucional de derechos). Then we analyze the set of general procedure principles to different mechanisms of protection of constitutional rights, such as oral, cost-free, immediacy, speed and procedural economy, and antiformalism. Finally, we analyze one by one the different instruments for the protection of rights collected by the 2008 Constitution, according to the most important contributions of the Ley Orgánica de Garantías Jurisdiccionales y Control Constitucional ​
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