La Digitalització d'un curs d'autoaprenentatge de química bàsica amb continguts essencials per la realització de carreres de ciències a la Udg
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This work addresses the need to standardize the basic chemistry concepts for students starting
scientific or technological studies at the University of Girona (UdG) who do not have the
fundamental knowledge acquired in secondary education and high school. The proposed
solution consists of creating an introductory chemistry course taught through the virtual space
Open Udg, which uses Moodle. Moodle is a platform that allows the creation and management
of virtual teaching and learning environments tailored to the needs of teachers and students. On
this platform, a flexible course has been created that allows students to maintain their own
learning pace through a structure that includes thematic explanations, explanatory videos, and
level test exercises. Additionally, the course will feature a forum to facilitate communication and
feedback between students and teachers.
This project will enable the UdG to have a self-learning tool based on ICT adapted to the needs
of young students and aimed at improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the field
of chemistry. Furthermore, the use of Moodle will facilitate a smooth transition to digital tools
that students will use throughout their university studies. The course "Elementary, It's
Chemistry" is also designed to reinforce post-compulsory education such as vocational training
and high school, ensuring that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can benefit from
The development of this course has involved close collaboration with teachers and digital
education experts to ensure the quality of the content and its adaptability to the needs of
students. Their contributions have been crucial to improving the course structure, making it
more dynamic and interactive, and ensuring it meets current educational standards. Likewise,
the course has been designed with environmental sustainability in mind, reducing the need for
printed materials and minimizing the environmental impact of physical travel. This project
represents a step forward in the digitization of education at the UdG, offering a modern, efficient,
and sustainable tool for teaching chemistry