Efectividad de la aplicación de un programa de intervención enfermera en el manejo de la ansiedad parental y el dolor infantil en el proceso quirúrgico de los niños que van a ser circuncidados

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ENG- Spain is the fifth country in the European Union in terms of the number of Muslim residents, for whom a surgical intervention such as circumcision is part of their culture. Circumcision is the total or partial removal of the foreskin and is a medical indication for the treatment of phimosis, but it is also performed for cultural and religious reasons. This surgical intervention is mainly performed during childhood. For this reason, the prior psychological preparation and assessment of the parents must be part of the surgical process for their children, since it aims to prevent and reduce the degree of anxiety of the parents and at the same time minimize the pain of the children during and after the intervention. Nursing staff play a very important role in the reduction and management of emotions focused on reducing pain in children and their rapid recovery. For this reason, an action program has been designed and applied to promote the reduction of children's pain and parents' anxiety during the surgical process of circumcision in the Muslim foreign population resident in Spain. The results of this study in which 314 family members participated, half of whom were given the action program, show that only 46.8% of all family members who accompanied the children to undergo circumcision they presented some degree of anxiety. Twenty four percent of parents in the intervention group had mild or moderate/severe anxiety and in the control group this percentage was 22.6%. Among the children in the intervention group 55.4% did not present pain; on the other hand, in the control group it was 32.6%. The nursing intervention program showed a reduction in pain in children and an improvement in postoperative care. However, it did not show effectiveness in reducing parents' anxiety, although the frequency of anxiety was lower than expected ​
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