Influència de substituents en lligands de tipus bpy-R sobre les propietats de complexos de ruteni i la seva capacitat d’adsorció sobre sílice
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Ruthenium is an element that stands out for its photochemical properties. The latest research
has highlighted its application in cancer therapies where, in some specific cases, it has proven
to be less toxic than traditionally used compounds. The most notable [Ru(bpy)3]
2+ complex
has been widely used in different photodynamic and photocatalytic applications. These
properties are due to transitions due to metal-ligand charge transfers, which allow the
absorption of visible light and the generation of long and stable excited states.
The incorporation of these photosensitizers in solid supports allows their location to be
controlled and protected from external interactions. Nanoparticles are of special interest as a
support, as they have a high surface area that can improve the distribution and efficiency of
photosensitizers. Among the different types of nanoparticles, those based on silica are
noteworthy because they have an inert chemical composition, are easy to synthesize by
varying different properties such as size and porosity and have robust mechanical properties.
In addition, they can be used as drug carriers in photodynamic therapy because they can store
different drugs or photoactive compounds in their internal cavities.
In this study, different complexes derived from [Ru(bpy)3]
2+ have been synthesized, based on
commercial ligands. First, the precursors [RuCl2(bpy)2], [1], and [RuCl2(dmso)4], [2] have been
obtained. From these complexes, compounds [3]-[6] have been obtained by different routes,
with the formula [Ru(bpy-R2)2(bpy-R1)], where R1=Cl or Ph and R2=Cl, Ph or H.
Subsequently, the complexes obtained have been characterized using spectrometric and
electrochemical techniques such as 1H-NMR, ESI-MS and cyclic voltammetry. These analyses
have made it possible to determine the structures and redox behaviour of the complexes.
Finally, the adsorption capacity of compounds [3]-[6] in a silica matrix, particle size 35-70μm,
has been evaluated using UV-Vis spectroscopy. It has been shown that there is a significant
influence of the different substituents present in the bpy-R ligands of the complexes, since
they determine the polarity and size of the compounds and therefore their ability to interact
with the surface of the silica matrix