Autodeterminación indígena: una mirada comparada desde las concepciones y prácticas de los pueblos indígenas
Text Complet
This text seeks to enrich the understanding of the processes of indigenous
self-determination, its specific forms of exercise and the spaces of relationship with states,
based on a comparative analysis of different processes of indigenous self-government and
autonomy. Our intention is to provide new analytical perspectives which, connected to indigenous realities and experiences, and within the framework of a debate that allows for a
broadening of democratic conceptions and practices, have an impact on two major areas of
theoretical and political discussion: 1) the right of peoples to self-determination, and 2) the
state’s articulation of the plurality represented by indigenous realities. To this end, the text is
structured in three stages: first, it presents an overview of the concept of self-determination
in the light of the indigenous demands of recent decades; second, it analyses seven experiences of self-determination that propose different internal configurations and frameworks
for relations with the state; and finally, it establishes some axes of comparison between these
cases, with the aim of broadening the framework of analysis regarding the possibilities and
limits of self-determination and the construction of plural democracies