Unlocking the mind-gut connection: Impact of human microbiome on cognition
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This perspective explores the current understanding of the gut microbiota's impact on cognitive function in apparently healthy humans and in individuals with metabolic disease. We discuss how alterations in gut microbiota can influence cognitive processes, focusing not only on bacterial composition but also on often overlooked components of the gut microbiota, such as bacteriophages and eukaryotes, as well as microbial functionality. We examine the mechanisms through which gut microbes might communicate with the central nervous system, highlighting the complexity of these interactions. We provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of microbiota-gut-brain interactions and its significance for cognitive health. Additionally, we summarize novel therapeutic strategies designed to promote cognitive resilience and reduce the risk of cognitive disorders, focusing on interventions that target the gut microbiota. An in-depth understanding of the microbiome-brain axis is imperative for developing innovative treatments aimed at improving cognitive health
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