La "Història de Girona" de l'ADAC: aportació a la historiografia gironina en el trànsit entre el segle XX i el XXI

Costa, Lluís
The Història de Girona published by the Ateneu d’Acció Cultural (ADAC) between 1991 and 2000, and republished in 2005 by CCG Edicions, represented a fundamental contribution to Girona historiography. The work had the scientific participation of 37 specialists. When we took on the project of publishing the history of Girona, at the end of the 1980s, we did it convinced of Girona’s deep historiographical tradition, but also because we knew that an overall vision was missing up until that moment. The idea was to present a global analysis of the history of the city, based on the elaboration of interpretive syntheses that integrated the existing bibliography and that provided, as far as possible, conclusions from the research that was in progress ​
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