L'establiment de l'estat centralista a Girona: l'actuació de Carles Llauder (1845-1849)

Bohigas i Maynegre, Jordi
Buscató i Somoza, Lluís
The “Gobernadores civiles” —the state’s representative in a department or province— were a basic piece to ensure the social and political control of the territory by the new liberal Spanish state that emerged from the political revolution during the 19th century. This work focuses on the study of the figure of one of the first personalities who held office in the province of Girona with a certain normality: the so-called moderate politician Carles Llauder i Freixes (1812-c 1870). His mandate stands out both for the long period in which he held office, just over four years, and for the administrative, political and cultural initiatives he developed ​
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