La confraria de Sant Narcís de Girona (1560-1640): devoció, fraternitat i comitència artística

Solà Colomer, Xavier
The brotherhood of Saint Narcís de Girona, in the collegiate church of Saint Feliu, was the most popular, prestigious and dynamic secular association of modern times in the city. The fame of unincorruptible saint crossed the city limits, and counted, for the first time, with the participation of men and women, confreres and confreressses, from all over the bishopric. He developed the activities of all brotherhood, for example, assistance to the poorest or widows, in their final moments of life or in charge of the burials of the messes of the hospital of Saint Llàtzer. But it also devoted many efforts to the patron saint’s festive activities and artistic promotion of his chapel and saint patron, investing large sums in wax, fabric, painting and jewelry ​
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