El "fragment de la Haia": el personatge Borel assetjat a Girona vers el 827

Clara Tibau, Josep
The Hague Fragment is made up of three sheets of parchment in Latin, at the end of a Gesta regum francorum, kept in the Royal Library in The Hague. According to Charles Samaran, the text could be from the years 980-1030. It tells of the siege of a city by Carolingian armies with the characters Ernaldus, Bernardus, Bertrandus, a “dux” and his son Wibelinus. The “dux” kills Borel and Wibelinus, Borel’s son. Carolingians occupy the city. The best Romanists have filled pages to identify the city and the character Borel, without agreeing. Based on ideas from the Vita Hludovici, Al-Udri, the songs of gesta Chançun by Guillelme and Aimeri de Narbonne, l’Histoire de Languedoc II, Gaston Paris, Meyer, Gautier, Demaison, Aebischer, Rovira i Virgili, Abadal, Ponsich and Salrach, we can assure you that the city is Girona and Borel, Count Borrell of Ausona, besieged in Girona by the Carolingians around 827. The Fragment of The Hague presents the first documented siege of Girona ​
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