Prospecció, identificació i relacions genètiques de les varietats d’olivera (Olea europaea L.) de Catalunya per marcadors moleculars tipus SNPs i SSRs
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ENG- Biodiversity is the result and the expression of a historical, ancient natural process. It guarantees the well-being and the equilibrium of the biosphere. Additionally, it represents a possible primary source of resources to ensure that future ecological, economic, and scientific needs are met. In recent years, local varieties have been threatened and global agrobioversity has diminished due to modern olive production: local varieties have been replaced by a smaller number of more productive cultivars. Protecting the traditional ethnography of rural zones of each specific genetic heritage adapted to their unique ecological conditions is essential, as these local varieties can ensure future food security. As previous studies of local varieties were not detailed enough, it resulted in a need to catalogue, identify and characterize them. This is why the main objective of this dissertation is the study of local varieties as a source of genetic resources.
Since 2007, 94 olive trees have been catalogued through surveys done at traditional farms located all over the Catalan territory; those have been studied using molecular markers together with 34 other varieties previously identified for their morphological traits by IRTA. Furthermore, the most recent surveys have been designed in places where olives are not the main crop and with the existing plantations being still dominated by traditional varieties. In this study, 9 SSR molecular markers have been applied to identify and study their variability as well as their genetic relationships. A total of 106 varieties grown in Catalonia have been identified, of which 73 are new. Moreover, its structure population has been identified and studied. Results show genotypes grown in Catalonia tend to group themselves by area, which has shown four distinct genetic pools of almost equal representation in the Catalan population. Additionally, this study has detected through the application of 96 EST-SNP molecular markers synonymies within Catalan and among worldwide varieties. Therefore, it has been possible to identify autochthonous, neighbouring, and cosmopolitan varieties. Moreover, the use of these markers has allowed the parentage of varieties grown in Catalonia and their worldwide family relations. Such analysis helped understand better the impact of the founders of the Catalan germplasm.
The research done in this dissertation highlights the importance of local varieties as a way to preserve biodiversity, as well as a tool to face the current climate crisis. Consequently, this research brings to light the high biodiversity level of the Catalan germplasm when it comes to olive trees, although it has yet to be explored in more detail. It remarks its importance when it comes to genetic resources, thus offering support to breeding programs linked to resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. Results point to improving the ex-situ conservation while enriching current collections. Moreover, it compels strategies to develop the on-farm conservation to avoid losing the genetic diversity which can be found in local varieties
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