Garcilaso de la Vega, espía y mensajero de confianza del virrey de Nápoles: un documento autógrafo inédito

A memorial addressed to Emperor Charles V is made known, which Garcilaso de la Vega put in writing upon his arrival in Palencia from Naples, having passed through several Italian cities, such as Rome, Genoa and Alessandra where he expanded his data, to inform His Majesty of the traumatic incursion of the seventy galleys and twelve fustas of the corsair Barbarossa on the coasts of Calabria in early August 1534, as well as other details about the tense political moment of the time. The document, unpublished, kept in the General Archive of Simancas, which we present today in its entirety, commented and annotated, was once top secret, six tight folios autographs of the great poet ​
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