Món antic i alta edat mitjana a Girona en la historiografia d'ençà de la fundació de l'Institut d'Estudis Gironins (1946-2023)

In the seventy-five years that go from the foundation of the Institute of Gironin Studies to 2022 in the historical field that go from the beginning of the Roman conquest (218 BC) to the end of the first millennium of the era. Changes have been so enormous thanks to archaeological research that, when viewed from the outside, they are surprising. The change of paradigm took place at the end of the last decade of the 20th century and marked the consolidation and creation of the Servei Tècnic d’Investigacions Arqueològiques (1975) and the creation of the Col·legi Universitari de Girona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) (1969) which is more (1992), the University of Girona. This encouraging dynamic is in danger of collapsing ​
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