De quina manera es poden detectar i localitzar els nius de vespa asiàtica (Vespa velutina)?
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The Asian hornet, Vespa velutina, is a species of hornet that has been declared an
invasive species in Spain and has been established in Catalonia and across Europe for
several years. This species presents both ecological and economic problems, particularly
due to its predation on pollinators, which seriously threatens the apiculture industry.
Currently, the most used method for controlling this species is nest removal. However,
using only this practice is not enough for its control. In general, this species tends to build
nests in the canopy of tall trees (over 10 meters). Nest activity decreases as temperatures
drop, to the point that in winter, the wasps die and the nests become empty. It is during
this time when deciduous trees lose their leaves, making nests more visible, even though they are already vacant.
For this reason, the solution to prevent this species from proliferating further relies on early detection of these nests. With this approach, nests can be detected while they are still active, especially before future queens leave the nest to form new colonies.
This study identifies several nest detection methods to be able to compare them and thus determine which is most suitable for improving control of this species. To compare the different methods, a matrix is created that considers environmental, economic, and social factors. Among the methods, it has been concluded that the one that best meets the
proposed requirements is a marking and tracking method presented by Sandra V. RojasNossa. This method compared to others, it is more economical, provides acceptable
results, and is environmentally respectful and ethically responsible. However, for those
seeking better results in less time and with a higher budget, the most suitable method is
radiotelemetry, as it is more effective but also entails high costs