Genomics and formulation optimization for enhancing the microbial safety of dry fermented sausages
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ENG- Dry fermented sausages (DFS) are traditional meat products with high production and consumption in Mediterranean countries. Microbial communities of DFS vary throughout the production process, providing characteristic organoleptic traits. Acidification and drying are two of the main processes contributing to the shelf-stability and food safety of DFS, while other antimicrobials (e.g., bacteriocins) can contribute to the safety. Currently, genomic technologies are changing the paradigm in food microbiology, covering the identification of microbial communities within a complex food or surface sample with culture-independent techniques and the genomic characterization of pathogenic isolates recovered from a contaminated sample. The aim of the thesis was to study the microbial communities of DFS, with innovative formulation and production processes, and to develop strategies to control Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes as the main pathogens in this type of meat products.
The microbiota of DFS elaborated (i) without nitrifying salts and adding a pork liver auto-hydrolysate innovative ingredient, rich in zinc protoporphyrin as a colour-enhancement agent and, (ii) with a sodium reduction by replacing NaCl by KCl was investigated. The bacterial communities were followed by the 16S rRNA gene metataxonomic approach. DFS formulated with no added nitrifying salts and submitted to low temperatures allowed the growth of spoilage-related bacteria and showed high bacterial diversity. In contrast, less bacterial diversity was shown in nitrified DFS formulated with the Latilactobacillus sakei CTC494 starter culture, that led the fermentation process and was the dominant species.
The second study aim was to genomically characterize Salmonella isolates and search for phylogenomic relationships between industrial isolates, nationally and internationally. Within the ten different Salmonella serovars encountered in the genomic panel (N=173 Salmonella genomes), S. 1,4,[5],12:i:- was the most prevalent serovar in DFS while S. Derby was in pig carcasses. Phylogenetic clusters were found within genomes with few allelic and single nucleotide polymorphisms differences in the core genome. Antimicrobial and biocide resistance genes, virulence genes and mobile genetic elements were found distinctly between the Salmonella serovars, highlighting the multidrug resistance gene profile in 91% of the S. 1,4,[5],12:i:- genomes and the extended-spectrum β-lactamase genes detection in Typhimurium and Derby serovars. The multidrug resistance genes identification and persistence of Salmonella, especially S. 1,4,[5],12:i:-, in DFS production chain is of importance by food safety managers and DFS producers, respectively.
The third study aimed to optimise the antilisteria potential of L. sakei strains in DFS production. The behaviour of the sakacin K producer L. sakei CTC494 and the non-bacteriocinogenic L. sakei 23K was studied when cultured with and without L. monocytogenes in meat simulation media. Different formulations of NaCl, manganese, glucose and temperature were applied in a central composite design. Glucose was the most influencing factor for, lactic acid production and pH decrease, and moderate temperatures for sakacin K production. Only when L. sakei strains entered the early stationary phase, L. monocytogenes growth was inhibited by the 23K strain, while the pathogen was inactivated in coculture with the bioprotective CTC494 strain. Five log reduction of L. monocytogenes was achieved at 20 °C, 20 g/L NaCl, 0.20 g/L Mn and 40 g/L glucose
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