La llet, origen i destí

Carbó Xiqués, Núria
Milk is one of the most used and well-known products around the world. But at the same time, its sector is unknown to those who have not experienced with it. Currently the dairy sector is becoming more and more concentrated, the number of farms decreases, while the number of heads of cattle increases. In Catalonia they are the only ones left about 800 farms out of the 9,000 that existed in 1996, even so milk production is has tripled. In a world increasingly computerized and industrialized, and with competition national and international, it is a sector that must be continuously innovating and regenerating to be able to survive The exploitations are increasingly technical, where not only the economic benefit must be taken into account, but also the welfare of the animals and the quality of his milk. Because in the end these aspects are what add up and make them able to continue pushing forward ​
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