Patrimonio biocultural: el papel de la mujer indígena en la salvaguarda del patrimonio alimentario del Imbabura Geoparque Mundial UNESCO en Ecuador
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ENG- This doctoral thesis analyzes the interaction between indigenous women from the Imbabura Geopark in Ecuador and the preservation of biocultural heritage. Biocultural heritage includes beliefs, knowledge, and practices transmitted in indigenous communities, establishing a deep connection with local nature and culture. The study area is the province of Imbabura, recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2019. The research, conducted between 2017 and 2022, has four objectives: analyzing the importance of scientific research, identifying barriers for indigenous women, determining the heritage assets generated by them, and developing preservation strategies. The methodology includes literature review, field research, and interviews with indigenous women. The interviewees included 14 traditional cooks, 1 potter, 1 leader, 2 farmers, and 2 artisans. Challenges such as discrimination and the devaluation of domestic tasks were identified, but good agro-food practices, such as the seed fair and the management of an ethnobotanical garden, were also highlighted. It concludes that biocultural tourism is a sustainable model that promotes the conservation of cultural and natural heritage, cultural interaction, local identity, economic development, education, and local gastronomy
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