Towards the use of new tools based on non-invasive technologies and mathematical modelling for improving quality and microbiological safety of dry-cured ham
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ENG- Dry-cured ham is consumed all around the world and it is very appreciated by its organoleptic characteristics. Although it is a very typical product from the Mediterranean area, dry-cured ham production extends to many other regions and countries (including beyond the European frontiers). Salt is the main ingredient used in the production of dry-cured ham since it not only contributes to the development of the typical flavour and texture characteristics of dry-cured ham but also has a relevant impact on its safety. In the recent years, dry-cured ham manufacturing has become more industrialized, in part due to the industrial implementation of non-invasive technologies for classifying and categorizing hams. However, the salt content standardization of the industrial batches is still a challenge for the dry-cured ham manufacturers, which need to ensure safety and quality of the final product. There are many factors that influence the salt uptake of hams, including the characteristics of green hams (weight and size of hams, pH, fat content, etc.), some pre-treatments performed before salting process (such as skin-trimming or freezing/thawing processes), and the processing conditions throughout the manufacturing of dry-cured ham. Variations in the salt content are of special concern for the dry-cured ham manufacturers when they lead to very low salt content since safety of the product can be compromised. For this reason, there is an increasing interest of the dry-cured ham industry in finding solutions to reduce the salt content variability between and within industrial batches and in finding innovative approaches to ensure dry-cured ham safety.
This Thesis aimed to develop and assess new tools based on non-invasive technologies and mathematical modelling to improve the quality and safety of the product at an industrial environment. To achieve this objective, different studies were conducted and herein presented as separate scientific articles
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