Essays on political economy
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ENG- This research explores the diverse and intricate effects of European integration—a process affecting political and economic landscapes across Europe. At its heart, the study investigates how various European Union (EU) policies impact individuals' lives and beliefs, using advanced statistical methods to uncover these relationships.
One key focus is on Germany, particularly the economic disparities that have persisted since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The study examines how historical and geographical factors continue to influence salary differences across regions. It also looks into the economic challenges that German border districts face following the EU’s expansion. Here, the expected benefits of the EU's growth are weighed against actual economic downturns experienced locally.
Additionally, the research turns to Southern Europe, examining attitudes towards the euro in countries like Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain—collectively known as the PIGS. It reveals how different age groups and educational backgrounds influence people's preferences for the currency, highlighting the role of generational perspectives in shaping economic views.
The dissertation also delves deeper into how people's economic statuses and their understanding of EU policies affect their attitudes towards European integration. This comprehensive approach not only adds to the ongoing discussion about European integration but also emphasizes how EU policies can have varied impacts on individuals' economic situations and ideological beliefs.
Ultimately, this thesis serves as a foundation for further research into how European policies intertwine with personal outcomes, encouraging a more nuanced view of European integration's complex effects on everyday lives. This work is vital for anyone interested in understanding the personal impacts of broad political and economic strategies within the EU
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