Una nueva modalidad de prestación patrimonial de carácter público no tributaria: financiación de actuaciones privadas de impulso económico municipal

Two regional laws have introduced innovative non-fiscal public charges: Catalan Law 15/2020 on Urban Economic Promotion Areas and Balearic Law 6/2023 on Municipal Economic Promotion Areas in the Balearic Islands. All economic agents located in a defined area of a municipality must pay this charge when it is agreed to carry out collective initiatives to regenerate and boost the local economy. These laws have introduced the Business Improvement District model, which has proved to be quite effective in different countries. This paper outlines the characteristics of Business Improvement Districts, carries out a comparative legal study of BID levies in the United States and the United Kingdom and Sonderabgaben in Germany, and then provides an in-depth analysis of these two innovative Spanish public charges ​
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