Xarxes socials i democràcia participativa. Anàlisi de l'ajuntament de Berga i el seu compromís amb la participació ciutadana
Following the emergence of social media and the Internet, municipalities have been forced to substantially change the way they interact with their citizens, moving from one-way communications to more proactive and participatory approaches. However, many municipalities still do not sufficiently engage their users. This study analyses the communication disseminated by the City Council of Berga through Facebook, X (ex-Twitter) and Instagram, to see if they
sufficiently promote the participation of the people of Berga in public affairs. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques, various indicators were analysed, such as calls for citizen participation, the subject matter of the publications and user interaction. The results
showed that the municipality of Bergues is not making sufficient use of social networks to encourage citizen participation, despite having made some progress.