Impacte de les xarxes socials en la pressió estètica entre les noies joves
This project focuses on the development of an audiovisual piece, which analyses the role of social networks in the dissemination of aesthetic pressure among young women. The motivation arises from the increase of cases of girls who suffer from Eating Disorders or who decide to subject herself to aesthetic surgery, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic; a period when social networksconsumption increased significantly.
An analysis has been carried out by the use made by young women of these platforms and the impact that messages, more or less stereotyped, can have on the promotion of the need to have a physique that conforms to established standards. For this reason, a multimedia piece has been developed that not only shows the current situation of young women, verified by health professionals, but also adapts to the format that they usually consume on the networks: audiovisual content.