Exploring the reactivity of in situ generated metal vinylcarbenes

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One of the primary objectives in organic synthesis is to devise novel methods for converting simple and readily available compounds into more complex and functionalized structures. In this regard, transition metal-catalyzed transformations have gained significant attention in recent years, with metal carbenes emerging as particularly valuable intermediates due to their unique structure and versatile reactivity. Among these, metal vinylcarbene complexes stand out due to the presence of an alkenyl unit within their structure, which enables a diverse array of novel transformations, including functionalization at the carbenic or at the vinylogous position, as well as cycloaddition reactions in a (3+n) fashion. Among various catalytic methods for generating vinylcarbenes, the carbene/alkyne metathesis (CAM) method represents an exceptionally powerful strategy for accessing polycyclic compounds in a one-pot manner. Our group has developed several rhodium-catalyzed CAM reactions and has contributed significantly to understanding their mechanisms through DFT calculations and experimental techniques. However, most CAM-related transformations occur intramolecularly and rely on internal alkynes. Furthermore, despite the demonstrated utility of silver complexes as catalysts in vinylcarbene chemistry, their use in CAM transformations has not been documented. Motivated by these considerations and our ongoing interest in carbene-related reactions, we sought to develop processes that address these limitations encountered in CAM transformations ​
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