La evaluación competencial de la modelización matemática en las diferentes etapas educativas
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Mathematical modelling and mathematical competence are increasingly present in the scientific literature in the field of Mathematics Education, consequently several international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), among others, have dedicated specific spaces to investigate and discuss these issues.
However, there are still few studies that address the competency assessment of mathematical modelling, for this reason this thesis aims to contribute to the development of mathematical competence of students through mathematical modelling processes and their respective evaluation.
In order to fulfil this objective, as a first point of approach, a study of teachers' knowledge about the mathematical competence assessment of mathematically talented students is carried out. The results show that there are conceptual conflicts in the use of learning assessment terminology by teachers, as well as a lack of knowledge about how to assess mathematical competence.
In addition, considering that mathematical modelling should be worked on from the earliest ages, a modelling cycle is analysed based on a real problem in infant education. The results show that children of these ages are capable of elaborating their first models based on the mathematical knowledge they mobilise. Another of the findings is that the process of mathematical modelling is complex, as pupils in the first school levels go through the different phases of the modelling cycle in an unordered way, which are worked on to different extents, with interpretation and validation being some of the phases that require more attention.
Next, we describe the design, construction and validation of a rubric for assessing mathematical modelling processes, especially those oriented by modelling cycles, throughout schooling (3-18 years). It is concluded that the rubric can be used by both researchers and teachers at different educational levels from kindergarten to high school.
Finally, a study is presented in which the main results of a mathematical modelling activity, elaborated under the theoretical approaches of the Modelling Eliciting Activities (MEA's) in combination with Fermi problems and applied to Ecuadorian students in the sixth grade of Primary Education (10-11 years old), are presented.
The data were analysed using the rubric described above. The results show that students, despite having no experience in mathematical modelling activities, are able to understand the problem, establish conjectures and assumptions and propose solution ideas; additionally, they are also able to go through the different phases of the modelling cycle, although with some difficulty in some of them. It is concluded that these activities present great advantages for the development of students' mathematical competence and modelling skills; however, it is recommended that teachers incorporate them into their teaching practice
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