La responsabilidad de los estados y las compañías energéticas por el cambio climático. Estudio de los elementos de la responsabilidad civil presentes en la litigación climática
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Climate is defined by a particular trait: its natural and gradual transformation. However, for several years now the international scientific community has warned that climate patterns are changing dangerously and rapidly. This is mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels but also to other human activities such as deforestation and changes in land use that fail to retain enough greenhouse gases that are expelled and end up concentrating in the atmosphere and warming the planet.
As a result of global warming, various elements of the climate system are subject to irreversible damage. The loss of the ice poles, for example. Likewise, meteorological phenomena present themselves with an unusual frequency and intensity that affect people, their loved ones and their assets. Rather strikingly, although the risk that damage may occur is crystal clear, at the end of the day no one may be held responsible for the same.
Therefore, this doctoral work encompass the issue of climate change and the applicable law to it. Even though the Urgenda case has created a school for us, we have noticed in today date that the law suits had increased around the world. It is imperative that we take a look and analyze if in fact all the budget forecasted to all the damages are happening or being paid and if they at what scale. This is a suspicious theory that came up from a jurisdictional institutional debate in which its outcome ended preforming/saying less than what it was intended for
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