Decoding the enigma of Lophocladia: exploring its invasive behavior and the ecological implications

Golo, Raul
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The synergy between climate change and biological invasions presents a significant threat to ecosystems worldwide. In the Mediterranean Sea, the proliferation of invasive species has surged since the early 20th century, leading to extensive damage to native ecosystems. With the ongoing rise in invasive species and the projected temperature increase due to climate change in the Mediterranean, the prospects for further detrimental impacts on biodiversity are alarming. While numerous studies have focused on understanding the distribution, biology, and ecological impacts of invasive species in the Mediterranean, there remains a lack of multidisciplinary research examining the interplay between invasion success and environmental factors like global warming. This thesis addresses these critical questions, using the red alga species Lophocladia trichoclados as a model, which has been present in the Mediterranean since the early 20th century. To lay the groundwork, we conducted thorough taxonomic identification of the species and constructed a comprehensive phylogenetic tree of the entire genus using available samples spanning from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. Previous to this study, the invading red alga in the Mediterranean was identified as Lophocladia lallemandii, but genetic characterization confirmed it to be Lophocladia trichoclados. With accurate taxonomic identification, distribution models were generated over the Mediterranean Sea to determine current and future potential areas of occupation for this species. Predictions based on climate change-induced temperature increases indicate an expansion of its suitability range in the future ​
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