Antibiotic resistance along an urban river impacted by treated wastewaters
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Urban rivers are impacted ecosystems which may play an important role as reservoirs for antibiotic-resistant (AR) bacteria. The main objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of antibiotic resistance along a sewage-polluted urban river. Seven sites along the Zenne River (Belgium) were selected to study the prevalence of AR Escherichia coli and freshwater bacteria over a 1-year period. Culture-dependent methods were used to estimate E. coli and heterotrophic bacteria resistant to amoxicillin, sulfamethoxazole, nalidixic acid and tetracycline. The concentrations of these four antibiotics have been quantified in the studied river. The antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), sul1, sul2, tetW, tetO, blaTEM and qnrS were also quantified in both particle-attached (PAB) and free-living (FLB) bacteria. Our results showed an effect of treated wastewaters release on the spread of antibiotic resistance along the river. Although an increase in the abundance of both AR E. coli and resistant heterotrophic bacteria was observed from upstream to downstream sites, the differences were only significant for AR E. coli. A significant positive regression was also found between AR E. coli and resistant heterotrophic bacteria. The concentration of ARGs increased from upstream to downstream sites for both particle-attached (PAB) and free-living bacteria (FLB). Particularly, a significant increase in the abundance of four among six ARGs analyzed was observed after crossing urban area. Although concentrations of tetracycline significantly correlated with tetracycline resistance genes, the antibiotic levels were likely too low to explain this correlation. The analysis of ARGs in different fractions revealed a significantly higher abundance in PAB compared to FLB for tetO and sul2 genes. This study demonstrated that urban activities may increase the spread of antibiotic resistance even in an already impacted river