Els mosaics de la vil·la romana del Collet (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà) = The mosaics of the Roman villa of El Collet (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà)

The Roman villa of El Collet (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà) is located on the coast of the province of Hispania Tarraconensis. Specifically, it is perched on a rocky spur that once jutted into the sea. It originally dates to the Republican era, during the first half of the 1st century BC. It was subsequently demolished in the seventh decade of the 1st century AD. The space then underwent a significant levelling to construct a new building. Towards the late 2nd or early 3rd century, the southern body of this sector of the villa was extensively remodelled, creating a vast single area paved with a mosaic. At the same time, the rooms in the southeast corner of the villa were likewise paved with a mosaic, covering the opus signinum floors from the previous phase ​
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