La presència ibèrica i romana a la comarca del Pla d'Urgell. El Tossal Roig (Bellvís, Pla d'Urgell), un nou jaciment arqueològic a les Terres de Ponent

Baiges Minguella, Montse
Bouzas Sabater, Marc
Puigredon Boixadera, Jaume
Plana d'Urgell is a territory that meets the basical environmental conditions for human settlements from prehistory; different historical societies have transformed and adapted this space to their needs, as can be observed in the large number of sites known so far. Tossal Roig (Bellvís, Pla d'Urgell) is another example of this human occupation in ancient times in a densely populated territory, and here we present the first evidences of this rural settlement from the 2nd bC to 2nd centuries aC ​
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