La presència ibèrica, romana i tardoromana a les Terres de Ponent: noves dades sobre el poblament rural del nord-est de l'ager ilerdensis (Noguera, Pla d'Urgell i Segrià)

Baiges Minguella, Montse
Bouzas Sabater, Marc
Puigredon Boixadera, Jaume
Text Complet
This paper brings new light on the occupation of the northeastern ager Ilerdensis (Lleida-Lerida) during the 3rd century BC to 7th century AD through the study of an assemblage of coins, metal objects and ceramic fragments collected in the vicinity of Camarasa, Bellvís, el Poal, Linyola, Menàrguens, Térmens and Vilanova de la Barca. They belong to twelve newly discovered or poorly studied sites, highlighting the lack of research on this area, and the current evidence indicates that it might have been more populated previously thought, as it has ideal ecological conditions for human life and the development of agriculture and animal husbandry throughout history ​
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