The Effects of an Eight-Week Integrated Functional Core and Plyometric Training Program on Young Rhythmic Gymnasts’ Explosive Strength
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Explosive strength is essential for rhythmic gymnasts’ performance. It has been suggested that core stability (CS) and plyometric training can enhance athletes’ explosive strength. Nevertheless, there is some uncertainty about the effects of integrated core and plyometric training (CPT) programs on rhythmic gymnastics (RG) performances. Purpose: to evaluate the effects of an integrated functional CPT program on young rhythmic gymnasts’ explosive strength and jump/leap performance. Method: We recruited 44 young (age = 10.5 ± 1.8 years old; peak height velocity, PHV = 12.2 ± 0.6 years old) female rhythmic gymnasts and randomly allocated them into a control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG). Pre and post-intervention, the explosive strength of both groups was assessed using countermovement jump (CMJ) and single-leg CMJ (SLCMJ) tests, conducted using a force platform, and expert RG judges evaluated their performance of RG-specific jumps. Before the post-test, the EG (n = 23) completed an 8 week functional CPT program based on RG technical requirements. Meanwhile, the participants in the CG (n = 21) received their regular training sessions. Linear mixed model analyses were applied to evaluate the effects of an intra-subject factor (TIME: pre-post) and an inter-subject factor (GROUP: control-experimental) on each dependent variable. When no significant interaction effect was found, Cohen’s d effect size was calculated. Results: After 8 weeks, the EG obtained significantly better results in all variables measured by the CMJ and SLCMJ (p < 0.01) tests. The judges’ scores indicated greater improvements in the EG after the CPT program in the stag and the split leap. Conclusions: An integrated functional CPT program improved explosive strength in a group of young rhythmic gymnasts and had a large impact on aspects of RG-specific performance. Coaches should consider using this CPT to improve RG performance