Efecto modulador de un estilo de vida activo y del gateo en la relación entre la composición corporal, el sistema cardiopulmonar, la competencia motriz y la condición física en niños y niñas prepuberales sanos

Cazorla González, Jorge J.
Adopting an active lifestyle from infancy is crucial for long-term health, preventing future diseases, and addressing problems such as overweight and respiratory diseases. Crawling before walking has the potential to influence health in both childhood and adulthood. Due to the fact that the human organism operates with complex systems, the synchronized coordination of the systems is essential for the quality of human physiology. Understanding how an active lifestyle and crawling relate to and affect the network associations between different body systems is a key factor in understanding and promoting holistic health from infancy onwards. This study aims to determine the effect and network association of an active lifestyle, crawling before walking, and the combination of both on body composition, cardiopulmonary system, motor competence, and physical fitness in 7-year-old boys and girls. The sample included (n= 228) 7-year-old healthy boys and girls from primary schools from Salt and Cassà de la Selva, located in the province of Girona. Clinical parameters, body composition, blood pressure, lung function, motor competence, physical condition, crawling and physical activity were collected as variables. Data was analysed using SPSS version 21 ​
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