Iago Pericot. Amistat i teatre

Jordán Sánchez, Núria
This research that I present is constituted by a theoretical framework and practical work: the creation of a documentary called Iago Pericot. Amistat i teatre. For the realization of the theoretical framework, I began exposing Pericot's biography taking into account his own words, thus giving the work a very personal touch. Then, I studied the theatre of the 20th century so that I could contextualize the theatrical figure (scenographer and director) of Iago Pericot. At the last part I have deepened into the documentary genre. The practical framework is the creation of the documentary itself explained through a diary. On the other hand, I have also presented the argumentative line that follows the documentary and the analysis of the photographs and the cuts of videos that appear. I conclude by explaining the reason of the music, Mozart Coronation Mass, that accompanies the finished work as a soundtrack.Iago Pericot apart from being a nationally recognized painter, set designer and theater director, was a great family friend who made himself be really loved. In this documentary I wanted to capture the four ideas that I have considered important in his personal career ​
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