Facilitating inorganic arsenic speciation and quantification in waters: Polymer inclusion membrane preconcentration and X-ray fluorescence detection

Arsenic, classified as a priority pollutant and human carcinogen by the IARC, is subject to stringent regulatory limits in food and water. Among various arsenic species found in water samples, arsenite (As(III)) is identified as the most toxic form. Given the limitations of conventional spectroscopic techniques in speciation analysis, there is a crucial need for innovative and sustainable methodologies that enable arsenic speciation. Simplifying these methodologies is essential for widespread applicability and effective environmental monitoring. Results This study proposes a simple and cost-effective analytical methodology for speciating inorganic arsenic in water samples. The method involves extracting As(III) into a polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) containing the extractant Cyanex 301 (bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) dithiophosphinic acid), followed by analysis using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry. The concentration of arsenate was measured after a reduction step using a thiosulfate/iodide mixture. This simple methodology allows a limit of quantification for trivalent arsenic (2 μg L−1), which is well below the World Health Organization's recommended maximum permissible level of As in drinking water (10 μg L−1). The method that is developed allows the determination of As at trace levels in waters with naturally occurring arsenic. Significance and novelty This study represents a significant advance in the field, providing a novel and efficient methodology for arsenic speciation analysis in water samples. By combining the advantages of polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) extraction with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry, this study offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to address the critical issue of arsenic contamination in water sources, thereby contributing to enhanced environmental monitoring and public health protection ​
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