Aplicacions de la Raspberry Pi: construcció d'una màquina Arcade
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The Raspberry Pi Foundation provide low-cost, high-performance computers that people use to learn, solve problems and have fun. These are the Raspberry Pi, which since 2012 have been incorporating more power and functionalities to achieve more and more tasks. This work explains in detail what the Raspberry Pi is, what models and variations have existed, and how to acquire it and start it up with the basics. In addition, it presents a lot of uses that anyone, with little knowledge, can give it at home. Distinguished into groups such as education, entertainment or work, a brief explanation of each application is given. The official magazine The MagPi is also mentioned as a great source of knowledge among creators where projects and news about this unique electronic board are shared every month. To finish with the theoretical part, some successful projects that have been achieved with the Raspberry Pi are exposed, such as sending one at 40km high or turning it into a functional mobile phone. The practical part of the work explains step by step, with the help of a mixture of projects in English from the Internet, the construction of a tabletop arcade game machine, with all its electronics connected to a Raspberry Pi and the plastic structure printed in 3D, also using an application for Raspberry. The most concise conclusion of this work is that the Raspberry Pi has incredible potential, with lots of applications at the hands of almost anyone, as far as investment needs and knowledge is concerned