Estudi multicèntric sobre la qualitat de vida de les persones amb dolor neuropàtic a Espanya: projecte de recerca

Torroja Nievas, Helena
Introduction: Peripheral neuropathic pain is an alteration of the nervous system that has been shown to have a high impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it, and has a significant tendency to become chronic. One of the most frequent causes of this type of pain is radiculopathy and it is estimated to be the underlying pathology in 12-40% of cases of low back pain, a very prevalent symptomatology in Spain. These data show the need to focus on the quality of life of the Spanish population suffering from peripheral neuropathic pain secondary to radiculopathy. Objective: The main objective is to find out which aspects of quality of life are most affected in the Spanish population with peripheral neuropathic pain secondary to radiculopathy. Material and methods: This project is based on a quantitative methodology that follows the standards of a descriptive, longitudinal and prospective observational study. The scope of application is the pain units of the different Spanish autonomous communities, and the study population are the users of these units who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The chosen sampling technique is that of convenience. The measurement instruments used are: an own questionnaire to monitor the variables that may influence pain and quality of life, the Euro QoL 5D 5L to assess quality of life and its dimensions, and the "Douleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions" to confirm the presence of neuropathic pain. Those would be administered during a year and the analysis of these results would be carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 29.0 software. Contributions for nursing practice: The results might help to manage and distribute resources based on evidence, in order to apply adapted and efficient treatment plans to improve the quality of life of people with peripheral neuropathic pain secondary to radiculopathy ​
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