Weaning and extubation in the icu: a bibliographic review

Jaatite Assbai, Salma
Background: The purpose of this project is to conduct a bibliography review of the extubating process and a respiration process called weaning, which are related to IMV. Weaning is a gradual process in which IMV begins to be withdrawn to initiate spontaneous breathing and ends in extubating the patient, who is admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Although the concept of this phase is well known, there is a wide variety of information about when is the right time to extubate the patient. Therefore, this work is broken down into different points. Firstly, general information is written about the respiratory system, how the patient is admitted into the ICU and the mechanical ventilation. Then we focus on the last phase of mechanical ventilation that allows IMV to come to an end and extubate the patient. Aim: The main objective of the project was to identify the parameters of the right time to extubate a patient. To understand the weaning process in depth the following objectives were made. Identify the weaning process, the criteria to start the weaning and the criteria to identify weaning tolerance. And most importantly, to identify how the process is related to extubating, as well as the significance of weaning and extubating in the IMV process. Methodology: To do this bibliographic review, a search algorithm was created for each database, from which the articles are extracted to write the results. The algorithms are made considering the inclusive and exclusive criteria, so the found articles are closer to the defined objectives we want to encounter ​
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